Wednesday 18 November 2009

This was my third year at University, and I should say that, to me, has been the slower year so far. Especially this semester, I wasn’t so motivated with classes, and maybe it’s because I’m tired and I just want to have my vacations… a break is needed! Despite that situation, I think I learned a lot, and did new things related with my career, and with other subjects that are interesting to me. It was an opportunity to try some stuff that to me seemed to be great, but, because of many reasons, I hadn’t done before.

I had some great classes, such as Sociological Theory I, Qualitative Techniques and Chilean Social History. Those were great for me to learn new things about my career and my country, and also to convince myself that this is what I want to be. Sometimes I still have my doubts, but in the last time I have felt that this is the right place for me.

But it was not all about studying. I also started to teach in a popular school (I am doing Maths). It has been a great experience so far, because I have had the chance to get to know a different reality than the usual one I am living in, and I am participating in an active way in my attempts to make a change in this society. It is a small step, but I am in the way of somebody who wants to learn, and wants to do something with his life, and if I can be a part of it, to me is awesome.

One cool thing of this year, it is that we had a congress of the Latinamerican Sociology Asociation, in Buenos Aires, and it was a great chance to go and meet great people from different countries that were studying the same that I am, and it was also an amazing opportunity to know a new city.

I have also started to work in some stuff of my area, non very qualified work, but i have made a lot of great contacts for the future.

To sum up, I would say that this has been a good year, to improve in many skills and meet new people (which is something I really like), and I am willing for next year to be even better.

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