Wednesday 18 November 2009

This was my third year at University, and I should say that, to me, has been the slower year so far. Especially this semester, I wasn’t so motivated with classes, and maybe it’s because I’m tired and I just want to have my vacations… a break is needed! Despite that situation, I think I learned a lot, and did new things related with my career, and with other subjects that are interesting to me. It was an opportunity to try some stuff that to me seemed to be great, but, because of many reasons, I hadn’t done before.

I had some great classes, such as Sociological Theory I, Qualitative Techniques and Chilean Social History. Those were great for me to learn new things about my career and my country, and also to convince myself that this is what I want to be. Sometimes I still have my doubts, but in the last time I have felt that this is the right place for me.

But it was not all about studying. I also started to teach in a popular school (I am doing Maths). It has been a great experience so far, because I have had the chance to get to know a different reality than the usual one I am living in, and I am participating in an active way in my attempts to make a change in this society. It is a small step, but I am in the way of somebody who wants to learn, and wants to do something with his life, and if I can be a part of it, to me is awesome.

One cool thing of this year, it is that we had a congress of the Latinamerican Sociology Asociation, in Buenos Aires, and it was a great chance to go and meet great people from different countries that were studying the same that I am, and it was also an amazing opportunity to know a new city.

I have also started to work in some stuff of my area, non very qualified work, but i have made a lot of great contacts for the future.

To sum up, I would say that this has been a good year, to improve in many skills and meet new people (which is something I really like), and I am willing for next year to be even better.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Sociology, in our school (and in many others), is facing for a considerable number of important issues, related with programs of study, academics, insfrastructure, etc, but, right now, we will refer to those concerning to three exes: Technology, Sociol Matters, and Education.

1. Technology: In our school, there are a limited quantity of computers equipped with software such as SPSS and Atlasti. These two software are important in the process of education on become a sociologist, since we have to learn, at least in a superficial way to use the, and to have that knowledge in our hands.
I think that, sometimes, we are self-taught in this aspect, being unable to reach the level of ability that we should/want.
In the other hand, we could say that a technology problem is also related with infrastructure. Even though the building is kind of new, it doesn’t have the suitable number of classrooms for all the students and careers that are given in our faculty. A few weeks ago, new microwaves were added to our casino, but there’s already one that is not working. Our authorities should pay more attention to our concerns in all of the different areas we are asking for improvement.

2. Social Matters: our school of Sociology is not very linked to our social background. Situation that, I think, is very ironic. We don’t have projects open to the students to be a part of different communities around university, and, when we get in touch with groups of people, is almost all the time because we are making an investigation, but we don’t get a real support (in an institutional way) to do it.

3. Education: sometimes, we don't have the best teachers. They are for sure great professionals, but they don't have the "gift" of teaching, so classes are not interesting, or they just don't have the will to help.
There's also a problem coming from our authorities, that is had relation with our career not having a clear profile.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Election Day

I am registered to vote. I got registered in July, 2008, when was the expiring date to do it, to vote for the elections to choose major and his advisers. I belong to the district of El Tabo, so I thought it was a very important decision, because, as there is such little quantity of people, it is almost true that one vote and a campaign can make a difference.

I'm not very into electoral campaigns, wherever they come from, because I think they are just a big lie. I had the chance to watch an event made from one candidate to be senator to the people from the area, and it was a big circus: giving presents, meals, different speeches (that were about how bad was the competition, and didn't say a word about a real project), and it was a big show... in some way, they were trying to "buy" votes, with entertaining.

I think that the president should be a person that is not surrounded by a political environment contaminated with all the ambitions, which are out from the desire to improve the country. Should be honest, worried about what people need, and someone who has the will to change things, without being afraid.

I’m not sure if I’d like to have a career on politics, since it’s not an environment I specially enjoy, but I’d still like to do something related with politic publics, in order to make important and deep changes in society, that can improve people’s quality of life.

One ministry I’m interested is Health Ministry, because I’m really into how all people have access to a health care service of a good quality, without having in mind if they have money, or they don’t. For me, it’s a very important issue to solve in our society. People should have the chance to demand for a good health service, and hope for the State to answer to their requirements.

The first 5 problems I think should be solved in our country are:
1. A decent health service for all Chileans.
2. A fair educational system, in terms of social economical not determining the access to it.
3. Poverty and access to fair work conditions.
4. Regulation on environment issues, especially the ones related with the interests from the private area.
5. Legislation about the real situation of “freedom of choosing”.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Criminal Laws

I am against capital punishment, since I think that criminals that make a big mistake or offense, should pay for what they have done. Death may be even a solution for their problem of not having an exit.

On the other side, I don't think that humans have the power of taking away other people's life... I prefer them to be in jail, having thought of what they have done, and in, some way, "suffering", than just death.

On the other hand, I guess that having capital punishment may reduce the criminality rates, since people would be more affraid of making something wrong, but I also think that our authorities should be qualified to create other different solutions to the problem of criminality.

To reduce criminality rates, I think the governments should go to the root of the problem: what causes people to go and commit crimes? do they do it to survive? do they have a lack of something? Basis for a lot of crimes are the conditions of poverty in our society, the lack of education, the unexistent job positions for a lot of chileans.. if we solve that problems, I think criminality rates would decrease, especially in the case of Chile.

Luckily, I haven't had close experiences with crimes. The only thing was that once I was playing soccer here in the campus, and, in the mean time, somebody stole my bag with some of my clothes, cell phone, ID, etc.

Thursday 24 September 2009

What to do / where to go in Santiago

I think that a foreign tourist should go to our touristic spots, as for example to Santa Lucia and San Cristobal hill, La Moneda, the Ex National Congress, Bellas Artes musem, National Library, La Piojera, etc. Those are beautiful places that they have to go. In the other hand, if they feel like it, they could go to other places that are not so touristic, but are representative from our country.
Tourists should of course know new places, and go out and get to know the people here! To chat, go to party, etc.
One place for me is the Central Market, as you can eat amazing sea food and typical things.
A second place is the National Library: I really love it! the building is amazing, and beautiful! and there are so many things to do, I love it.
In Santiago you should go to party, and know Bellavista or Suecia street, they are great to have an amazing time.
I think it would be good also to La Chascona, Pablo Neruda's house. It is a good opportunity to get to know about one of our most important poets in our country.
And finally, I would recommend to go to San Cristobal hill: i think is really cool, you can do a lot of things, go to zoo, have a nice view of the city.. it is a great place!

Transantiago : Before and after

I can't make a huge opinion about Transantiago as a new system of transportation for me, as I am not from Santiago, and since I came here I have used only this system.

But, for the same reason, I can talk about the difference in the service from where it started, until now.

It is obvious that the system has improve, and that now is not that bad. The big problem with the system are the "tours" that are made by the buses, because some are too short and don't cover all the places that people need, and is like they were created based in some weird conveniences, and not based in a social investigation.

That's what i'd change: tours, I'd make them longer in some cases.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit Venezuela. I have always liked this country, because I think it has amazing landscapes, and people I have met from Venezuela is really kind, and smiling, and they tell me people there, is usually like that... those are the main reasons! But of course I would also live the environment there, how is the country, their public politics, etc.
If I were there, I would like to of course meet new people and the landscapes there, and would like to party, jaja, because I have some good friends in Venezuela, and they have told me that if I go there they'd join me in the everything I'd like to do! and they would invite me to some other things.
Though I think is a very interesting country, I don't think that I would like to live there.. or studying, or living... I'd like to go and visit it, but nothing else.. living in other country is not in my plans!